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Reservoir Engineering: TIPS
Volume 5 / Issue 4 - April 2010
Horizontal Well Holding Strategies MetroPetro
Did You Know? Company News
Horizontal Well Holding Strategies

Stuck in Horizontal?

As the economy continues to improve, many producers find that they need greater horizontal well densities in order to maximize recovery. However, new, unwritten ERCB policies may affect applicants for greater well density.

First, every Standard or Non-Standard holding application requires a drainage area analysis. If a reported drainage area doesn’t justify the well density requested, the ERCB may limit the approval. It is critical to note that the ERCB applications department considers traditional vertical well drainage areas to be insufficient for a horizontal holding application.

Depending on the pool in question, other types of reservoir analysis may be more appropriate for an application to substantiate the need for a higher well density, meaning there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution.

At Proven, we make unique recommendations for each well based on an initial individual well review to make sure the right application is submitted to the board. Our tailor-made approach ensures applications are submitted correctly and approvals are acquired quickly to meet the needs of producers.

~Bill Winnick

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Flow of the Economy - The Value of the Canadian Dollar and Crude Oil since 2005

Canadian Dollar vs. Price of Crude Oil chart

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Company News - On Developing Business and Playing Guitar

Don and his guitar

Donald Ford is one of Proven Reserves’ Business Development Engineers, and an important part of our technical sales team.

Though originally from the States, Don has spent most of his life here in Calgary, and will tell you he is an avid Stampeders fan (and is already counting down the days for football season to start).

Don graduated from the University of Alberta with a degree in Electrical Engineering. He has done various jobs, including many within his community ranging from community assistant to event coordinator.

When he has some spare time, Don enjoys playing underwater hockey, traveling, skiing, hiking and playing guitar. He also participates in a local toastmasters club where he serves as the club’s VP Membership.

Don wants to continually learn and challenge himself in new ways, and also plans to help out in his community and volunteer more throughout the year.

Thanks, Don!

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