There is a key to getting a great “after-life” for formations exploited with multi-fractured horizontal wells. That key is understanding the rock’s preferential fracture direction.
The fracturing process will open up natural joints and fractures in the matrix creating a short cut path for water. In such circumstances, a poorly placed horizontal producer can water out very quickly after the start of injection.
Horizontal multi-fractured wells can increase recovery of an area of reservoir from poor (less than 1%) to good (10%).
Pressure maintenance can increase recovery beyond these levels if the operator can maintain good sweep. Under a well managed water flood, an operator might improve recovery from 10% to 20%.
However, if injected water short-circuits through natural fractures, recovery can be damaged significantly.
One big mistake operators may regret for a long time: Assume that every formation is homogeneous and fracture direction doesn’t matter.
Once an operator understands the preferential fracture direction, many great enhanced oil strategies can be used to double, triple and even quadruple recovery factors using horizontal multi-fractured wells.
Many oil producers are stimulating their horizontal wells with multiple fractures. Multi-fracs are a useful way to exploit very tight rock.
However multi-fractured horizontal wells are not just being used in shale gas or tight oil formations. This type of stimulation is now being used for a variety of formations and depletion strategies.
What can be done to enhance recovery from pools exploited with multi-fractured horizontal wells? Toe-to-heel injection schemes are showing some promise. Fracturing parallel to the horizontal well is also proven technology.
Call Proven’s enhanced recovery experts for examples of horizontal multi-fratured successes and failures. We can help you improve your chances for a great “after-life” for your pool.
~Granger J. Low
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