Janet is an engineer in charge of several
well projects in Alberta.
For a long time, she applied to the board more-or-less “blind”
– she applied for what she needed, but wasn’t sure if it was more
or less than the board was willing to grant. She often felt
grounded in her efforts to maximise her well’s potential.
Then she discovered AppIntel, a database tool that gave her
instant access to what her competitors were doing offsetting and
nearby her well. Suddenly, she could see what other producers were
applying for, and what the board was granting in her area.
Not only that, but AppIntel also alerted her via email whenever
there was a new application submitted or approved near her, so she
could keep up to date on developments near her project.
This new insight gave her the freedom to apply for – and obtain
– the maximum potential for her well.
Now, with newfound wings, Janet soars above her project areas,
scoping out who is applying for what, and how to get the maximum
allowance for her wells.
Get the Maximum Approval for your
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