Trying to decide how many fractures your horizontal oil well needs? If you increase the well length, can you skimp on the number of fractures? How does this all change with reservoir parameters like permeability, oil viscosity and reservoir thickness?
Answering these questions cost effectively for oil reservoirs has been the Holy Grail sought by many oil companies. Proven has found these answers using mid market simulation software by Kappa.
Kappa’s simulator can now handle difficult well trajectories such as horizontal multi-fractured wells. The simulator can handle gas or oil reservoirs.
Kappa’s solution is not as simple as some of the analytical approximations in the market today. It is complex enough to deal with oil reservoirs.
On the other hand, Kappa’s simulator is less time consuming to set up than most regulator grid block simulators.
Originally designed as a well test package, Kappa’s software has advanced to include a back end numerical simulator. When the simulator was originally released it was designed to add boundaries to long term transient well tests and PTA interpretations.
The model can be tuned with a PTA or long term production test. The model can include interference between wells and reservoir boundaries and discontinuities.
Call Proven to discuss how Kappa’s back end simulator can help you design your horizontal completion.
~Granger J. Low
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