PHONE: (403) 803-2500
Suite 2500, 500 - 4th Ave. SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 2V6

Compare Proven's flood optimization to other suppliers

Ability Weight Proven Reserves Score Other Supplier Score
Floods reviewed 10 200 1.0
Floods started 5 50 1.0
O&G articles written 7 500 1.0
Teaching O&G (hours) 4 400 1.0
Score 26 25
Probability 96%
($k/y) ($k/y)
Opinion of Should 17,000
Opinion of Is 7,000
Opinion of Improvement over Is 10,000
Cost ($k) 185
Deliver (months) 3
Opportunity Cost ($k) 2,500
Improvement/Cost 54.1
Risked Improvement/Cost 52.0
Risked Improvement/Opp Cost 3.8

Regulatory Needs MetBenefits

  • Are you looking for the best approvals in the industry?
  • Do you need your application done right the first time, quickly and efficiently?
  • Do you want to work with experienced regulatory and consulting experts?
  • Are you more comfortable with technical engineers shouldering your load?
  • Are you tired of baby-sitting consultants on projects?
  • Do your applications get held up or closed on technicalities, red tape, or loopholes?
  • Do you want someone else to keep track of your application so that you can focus on more important things?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you know why you should choose Proven Reserves Exploitation Ltd for your regulatory needs.

Expertise & Value Added

Proven Reserves Exploitation Ltd. takes pride in providing technical expertise that delivers value.

Having worked on over 100 water floods, with 50 in one year alone, we can find the best solution for your floods, whether they are water, polymer, or optimization designs. To date we have added over $80 Million of reserve value to a number of pools.

Our successful exploitation of tight, shallow and shale gas and heavy and light oil has given us the diverse knowledge and problem solving expertise for any of your pools needs.

We have played a very active role in economics, reserves analyses and due diligence reports for clients buying and selling properties in BC, AB and SK Canada.

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